The Debating Society

Once again we have to record for the Debating Society an interesting and varied session.

The first meeting, at which we were very pleased to have Miss Willey with us, was held on October 24th. Three short papers were read on the following topical subjects: (1) "That the Cinema is Superior to the Theatre"; (2) "That all Shakespearean Plays should be Performed in Modern Dress"; and (3) "That Modern Life is too Strenuous." Amusing and interesting discussions followed the reading of the papers. A "Sharp Practice," held on November 21st, proved to be the most successful meeting of the session.

For our last meeting a full debate was held, and the motion before the Society was "That the benefits of civilisation are mainly illusory." The remarks made were both witty and interesting, but there was a tendency to address remarks to neighbours and not to the Chairman. We had hoped that the "Sharp Practice" had given the girls greater confidence in their oratorical powers, but at this meeting they were inclined to be reticent in voicing their views.

The Upper Forms, we regret to note, have not attended the meetings in any large numbers, although we were pleased to see the zeal and enthusiasm shown amongst the members of the Lower Forms and are convinced that many budding orators are among their ranks. We would now like to take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to Miss Gillman for the help and kind advice which she has given us throughout the session.

ROSIE COHEN (Secretary).

The Science Society

We are pleased to be able to report another successful season for the Society.

On October 17th, Professor Brodetsky, of Leeds University, gave us a lantern lecture on "Our Place in the Universe." The lecture was very interesting, and we are grateful to the Professor for spending some of his valuable time with us.

At the second meeting, held on November 29th, Captain Appleyard spoke to us on his travels in Palestine. Captain Appleyard's lectures are always popular with us, and this one was illustrated by a film, which added to the interest.

The last meeting was on March 19th, when members' papers were read: "The History of Leeds," by Rosie Cohen; "The Part Played by Carbon Dioxide in Everyday Life," by Margaret Valters; and "The Limestone Region of Yorkshire," by Kathleen Sheard. All the papers were illustrated by slides, and were much appreciated by the audience. At present we are arranging a visit to York and Rowntree's during the Summer Term. This should be a very pleasant and interesting outing.

We should like to take this opportunity of thanking Miss Armes and the other Science Mistresses for the encouragement they have given us, and for their help in arranging this year's programme.

M. VALTERS (Sec.).

The Sketch Club

The Sketch Club this year is a very flourishing Society and the meetings have all been well attended. Inspired by the example of Mr. Wilkinson, we have carried out a new idea, and are busily engaged in making a Puppet Show, which we hope to present to the School in the near future.

The Sketch Club, held its first meeting, which was very successful, on October 11th, when Miss Lavington, who had kindly consented to judge the work sent in for the Holiday Competition, came and presented the prizes and criticized the work, giving us many helpful and valuable suggestions.

In the Senior Section, D. Stone and B. Wood were awarded prizes, and J. Bellingham, M. Whitam, B. Scarlett, K. Sheard, and S. Walker were commended.

In the Junior Section, D. Downes was awarded the prize and M. Gill and A. Hextall were commended.

On Friday, October 18th, the Sketch Club attended an exhibition of Austrian Children's Art, held at the Church Institute. This exhibition was extremely interesting, for the work was done by Austrian children of various ages and talents, and although there was a great contrast in the different styles of work, the brilliant colouring was especially noticeable in it all.

On February 14th the second meeting of the Sketch Club was held, when Miss Riddoch kindly offered to criticize the work done during the Christmas holidays. This meeting was very successful and well attended.

Two new ideas have been carried out this term, for at the beginning of the term weekly meetings were held during Thursday dinner hours, and figure drawing and costume illustration were studied from models. But these meetings have given way to our "Puppet Show" meetings, where we are industriously engaged.

The Sketch Club meetings have been very popular so far, and we hope to have even a larger attendance in the future. In conclusion, I should like to thank Miss Williams very warmly for her untiring support and enthusiasm.



On the last Wednesday afternoon of the Summer Term, Miss Williams took several member of the Sketch Club to Adel. We went by car to Lawnswood and then walked to the church, which we had set out to sketch. After a tour of inspection, we each selected our own particular view-point and settled down to draw and paint. It was an extremely hot day, and the old church looked very fine in the bright sunlight. After a very interesting two hours we packed up our belongings and ended the day by having tea in Mrs. Dawe's garden, where we found refreshing lemonade and tea awaiting us. After criticising each other's results, we said "Good-bye" to Mrs. Dawe with grateful thanks for giving us such a nice ending to our expedition. We all appreciated Miss Williams' kindness in arranging the outing.


Cercle Français

Le 7 février. Monsieur Legrand est venu nous faire une conférence sur la Bretagne. Il nous a dit que le paysage breton ressemble beaucoup au paysage britannique, surtout en Cornouailles et au pays de Galles. Les projections lumineuses nous ont offert des vues de Saint Malo, du Mont Saint Michel et des alignements de Carnac aussi bien que des scénes de village, de marché, de dues étroites et de ports. Monsieur Legrand nous a parlé de la vie bretonne, du travail et des superstitions des Bretons, et du costume national qui, comme le plaid des clans écossais, tout en gardant la même forme en général, varie dans certains détails selon la région.



Une Visite au Cinéma

Le 20 mars nous sommes allées au cinéma pour voir un film français intitulé "Sans Famille." C'est 1'histoire d'un petit garçon qui, enlevé en bas âge par un vilain oncle qui veut le faire mourir pour lui voler son héritage, est adopté par une bonne femme qui l'aime tendrement. A onze ans il doit la quitter, mais trouve bientôt un protecteur qui se charge de son éducation. Avec leur troupe de chiens ils parcourent la campagne, donnant des représentations dans les villages. Un jour le maître meurt et l'enfant s'associe à une bande de voleurs. Après bien des péripéties il passe en Angleterre, cherche sa mère et rentre dans sa famille.


Music Circle

The year 1935-36 has been a very happy and enjoyable year for the School as far as music is concerned. Our School Choirs are, as ever, flourishing and increasing. At the end of last Summer Term, the Senior Choir gave "The Mikado," which was such a success that the Choir is now practising "Ruddigore," in the hopes of giving it this year.

On Speech Day, songs were sung by each of the three Choirs, as well as by the whole School. One of the songs sung by the Junior Choir, "Lullaby," was composed by Eileen Dawson, one of the Sixth Form Music girls.

At Christmas, carols composed by members of the Upper Fifth and Sixth Form Music Classes were sung to the School. At the end of the Easter Term, the School had the pleasure of the presentation by the Middle School Choir of "The Stranger," an operetta, the music of which was composed by Schumann. I think it was very much enjoyed by the whole School, and we should like to say "Thank you, Middle School Choir!" We should like to congratulate those who have passed successfully the Music Examinations of the Associated Board. Dorothy Stone we particularly wish to congratulate, for she is the first girl at Lawnswood High School to have taken an examination in violin playing.

Congratulations, too, to Form Lower IV A, who have got through their Nelson's Music Practice more quickly than any other Form did!

We want to thank Miss Froggatt for the untiring work she puts in training the School Choirs, and helping to make the year a very musical one.


Guild of Help

We are very pleased to be able to report that during the last year the activities of the Guild of Help have been carried on with eagerness and zeal. Collections have been taken during the year for various objects, including The Leeds Children's Holiday Centre, The Leeds and District Workpeople's Hospital Fund, The School Distress Fund and South Accommodation Road. In this connection, we have taken two collections which have not been taken before, to enable some of our friends at South Accommodation Road to have bottles of milk provided for them.

In the Summer Term of 1935, Junior and Senior picnics were held, and I think these were very much enjoyed by all who were present. At these picnics we had an innovation. Flowers were brought to decorate the tea-tables, and the South Accommodation Road girls took these home. It has been agreed that this shall be repeated at our picnics this year. Also, during the last Summer Term, we were delighted to receive a party of girls who came to see the Senior Choir's presentation of "The Mikado."

As usual during the Christmas Term, parcels of clothing were sent down to South Accommodation Road. Shortly before half-term, the Guild of Help began to make gifts, which were shown to the School, and to any parents who wished to come and see them, before they were sent down to South Accommodation Road in time for the Christmas Party. We should like to thank all those who so kindly lent their cars for the conveying of these gifts to S.A.R.S. This year, some of us had the pleasure of going down to the Party, and seeing the girls receive their gifts.

This year, our Netball Team challenged S.A.R. Netball Team to a match, which was played on our ground last term. We hope that we shall have the joy of another match with them next year. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking Miss Wailes and the Committee for their help, that has made our connection with South Accommodation Road so successful. We are looking forward to another successful and enjoyable year.


Barnardo Helpers' League

This has again been a most successful year for the Lawnswood Branch of the Barnardo Helpers' League. The membership has steadily increased, and there are now eighty-four members, compared with seventy-six last year.

The Preparatory Department held a Bazaar in July and Miss Sketchley produced a very interesting Pageant of Empire, which enabled us to send £10 1s. 6d. to the Homes.

Our thanks are due to all parents and friends who gave so generously.

League of Nations Union

First of all, on behalf of the members, I should like to thank Miss Willey and the Staff for their help and encouragement throughout the year.

On November 7th, Colonel Forty spoke, in a very interesting and concise way on the Italo-Abyssinian Dispute. The meeting on November 25th consisted of answers by members to questions asked by members. The subjects were very varied, ranging from "Sanctions" to the "Peace Work of the League" and from the "Members of the Council" to the "Kellog Pact." This proved a very helpful meeting.

On January 23rd, Miss Willey gave a talk, consisting of some probing questions about the League, which gave much food for thought both at the meeting and for the future.

On March 6th we had the privilege of hearing Mr. Wheelan, from Headquarters, who spoke on "Current Affairs." His lecture was made doubly interesting by the fact that Mr. Wheelan had a first-hand knowledge of Geneva and its personalities.

I hope that more and more people will join the Union and attend the meetings, and so participate in this great work for Peace.

W. J. HAINES (Secretary).


South Accommodation Road Christmas Party

On December 19th, we (the Guild of Help Representatives) went with four mistresses to the Christmas Party at South Accommodation Road. On our arrival we found the girls had been acting various plays and singing songs, some of which they very kindly repeated for our benefit. One play, which gave us all a great deal of pleasure, was Dicken's "Christmas Carol," this was followed by a delightful Puppet Show, the puppets having been actually made by the girls themselves.

Afterwards came tea, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Then came the great event of the afternoon, the distribution of the presents. There was no doubt as to the delight with which the presents were received, for even before they were unwrapped, excited choruses of "oo's" went round, and most of the dolls were christened on the spot by their delighted owners.

At four-thirty both Schools exchanged a friendly cheer, and another happy and enjoyable party was over.


A Scientific Exhibition at Temple Newsam

On Monday, April 6th, as representatives of the School, we attended a Scientific Exhibition, which was the first of its kind to be held at Templenewsam. The subject of the meeting was "The Life and Works of John Smeaton, F.R.S."

The Exhibition was opened by the Lord Mayor of Leeds, and then Mr. E. Kilburn Scott gave a brief but concise account of Smeaton's life. Born in 1724 at Austhorpe Lodge, Whitkirk, he showed signs at an early age of genius in engineering. The scientists of his time had been unable to invent a perpetual screw, but this problem was solved by Smeaton at the age of fifteen. During his attendance at the Leeds Grammar School his enthusiasm for mechanics greatly developed.

He was the first to employ a steam engine as a method of conveying drinking water from its source to the general population. In 1769 he was given the task of building the Eddystone Lighthouse, on Plymouth Hoe, and he so constructed its base that it was able to withstand the terrific force of the sea.

In 1771 he established the first Association of Civil Engineers, on the lines of which the subsequent societies were founded, as, for example, the Institution of Civil Engineers, which appeared in 1818. We were interested to see a facsimile copy of the original minute book of Smeaton's Society and also some of his actual diagrams and models. His discoveries had a marked influence on the later scientists, and he has been truly called "the father of the steam engine."

We take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to Mr. Kilburn Scott for allowing us to be present at the meeting and for introducing us to the Lord Mayor in person.


An Account of the Science Society's Visit to Rowntree's

"What shall we buy?"

"Oh, let's have some Rowntree's Clear Gums!"

Yes, let's, because, you see, I'm a member of Lawnswood High School Science Society, and on May 13th we went round Rowntree's, and so you see I can tell you all about the spacious buildings in which these clear gums are made and exactly how to make them. It all looked so easy in a large room, with wonderful machinery working full speed and turning out hundreds of clear gums a minute ready to be baked in an enormous oven for five days. In fact, everything looked easy.

Making fancy boxes by hand; sliding cocoa tins along metal lines to let a machine fill them; twiddling S's on to moving chocolates and even pushing these wet choc's on to a tray covered with Rowntree's name so as to make an imprint on the bottom of the sweet, looked easy for the workers, but unbelievably difficult for the machines. The place buzzed with fascinating machines, and, even though these were working hard, yet there were still needed 6,500 employees; 600 clerks; 200 travellers for the British Isles and 100 guides to escort curious people round the factory.

We saw some of the 12,000 boxes which were to be made this year in the process of being made; we saw sacks of sawdust being filled from the shavings of these boxes; cocoa, we examined in all its stages, and were surprised by the crowded bicycle stands and by the railway running through the grounds, which brings 300 workers from Selby every morning.

When we first noticed the numbers of huge pipes which ran along the corridor ceilings, they rather awed us, but toward the end of our hour and a half's tour we began to be able to look up with nothing worse than timidity. However, we were overjoyed at being taken into the Café and asked if we would sample Rowntree's cocoa or lime-juice. Strange to relate most people chose lime-juice, and I don't think any had cause to regret their choice.

Lime-juice, biscuits and jelly were all delicious, and we set off to finish our tour in even higher spirits. The lounge, with its specimens of tropical fruits; the orchard, with its bananas and plums; the playing field, with its drilling girls and the beautiful grounds were all added delights. Before leaving Rowntree's we were all presented with souvenir boxes containing samples of all we had seen made, and these really ended a perfect tour.

After this, the Science Society visited the historic old Minster and, although we had not long there, yet all derived pleasure from our short visit. In short, the whole day was an undoubted success, thanks very much to the untiring efforts of Miss Armes and Miss Gilham and the other members of the Staff who so kindly went with us, and also to the generosity of Rowntree's in allowing us to visit their factory whilst it was at work.


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