with thanks to Michael Plows '59-'66

Click here to play Tony Chatterton’s rendition on the Baldwin organ.

Refrain after each verse

1 mf Four square she stands to all the winds
That sweep the northern skies
The school that’s older than her sons
And dear to them, and wise.
Her city home lies South of her,
The strong backed hills stand North;
To these her sons shall lift their eyes
When they at last fare forth.
Boys, now men, who went before
Beckoned by some further shore,
cres. Took with them their faith & pride
On the long outswinging tide.
2 Young lives have made her what she is,
And a hundred years and more
Have drunk from her unfailing springs
Of mother wit and lore.
The truth that's folly to the fool
In her is manifest:
The more she gives them of her life
The more her life is blest.
3    p Not all of them is lost to her,
Their voices echo still,
   mf Uplifted in the morning hymn,
Far calling on the hill.
The bowler's arm, like breaking wave -
The leap that clears the bar -
 dim. Dear memories to keep of them
When they have journeyed far.


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