Head Girl


Vice-Head Girl


Senior Prefects


Junior Prefects


House Captains and Vice-Captains

Dark Green Dark Blue Pale Green Pale Blue
S. CLARKE.      


Dark Green Dark Blue Pale Green Pale Blue

Magazine Committee

Editor: B. GILL.
Assistant Editor: R. BROOKE.
Treasurer: MISS GILLMAN.
Secretary: B. SCARLETT.



Eight numbers of the Leeds Girls’ Modern School Magazine, 1923-1931, were bound and have an honourable place in the School library. This issue is the eighth of the Lawnswood High School Magazine and, in another volume, they will carry on the history of the school from its arrival in our present buildings to the experiences of the first year of war. The paper shortage may make it our duty to discontinue publication and so I take what may be the last opportunity for some time, of sending a greeting to all the members of the School in whatever part of these islands or the world their work has taken them.

It is the privilege of a few of us to serve our country directly, but for most women and girls service means watching and waiting and carrying on cheerfully with everyday things, even if these become increasingly more awkward and difficult. It is in these days of grief and trial that our traditions are tested and that we pray that we may each maintain the courage and resolution, the kindliness and generosity, the spirit of co-operation that we began to learn at school and must continue to practise all our lives, in war as in peace. If we can hold fast to these things we need not be ashamed of the quality of our service nor have any fear for the future.



It is with regret that this term we say good-bye to our Chemistry Mistress, Miss J. P. Armes. For eighteen years the School has reaped the benefit of her devoted service to the cause of science. Under her Presidency, the Science Society has earned the tradition of being one of the most popular of School Societies. Miss Armes has also played a helpful part in the activities of the Guild of Help and of the League of Nations Union. The best wishes of both Staff and girls go with her in her well-earned retirement. She will linger long in our memories and will always find a hearty welcome awaiting her at Lawnswood.

Our outstanding item of news this year is, of course, our Evacuation to Ripon. It has, therefore, been given a special place in the Magazine. Now that we have returned to Leeds we can look back upon our stay there with more balanced minds and a clearer realization of the value of our experiences in Ripon. We can also appreciate how much Ripon High School helped us to carry on our school life with as little interruption as possible. They gave us the use of their buildings in the afternoons and their playing fields in the mornings, they also arranged parties and sports matches for our entertainment. We take this opportunity of thanking them.


At the end of last year we had to say good-bye to Miss Walker who left to take a new position as Senior Mistress at Crewe Secondary School in which we wish her every success. In September we welcomed Miss Fawthrop who came to take Miss Walker’s place, and we hope she will be happy amongst us. We extend the same good wishes to Miss Burras who joined the Staff in January to take the place of Miss Ross who left at Christmas to be married. We wish her much joy.


The Summer Term of 1939 saw our greatest sports achievement—the Tennis Team won the James Graham Cup! We give our heartiest congratulations to the girls who fought so hard to bring that high honour to Lawnswood.


Most of our School Societies went underground at Ripon, but the Music Circle carried on the good work with the Senior Choir’s production of “The Yeomen of the Guard.” Now that we are back at Lawnswood all the societies have resumed their usual activities.


Three lectures have been given since our return from Ripon—one by Major Ney, founder of the Empire Youth Movement, a lantern lecture by Miss Clarkson of Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, and a lecture on Poland given to the Senior School by a Polish lady, Miss Firlus.


Many girls felt they would like to help in the National effort, so weekly wool collections have been made to buy materials for the knitters, and a branch of the National Savings Association has been started at school. On Empire Day a collection was made to provide tobacco for the men serving in the Forces.


On Thursday, the 30th of May, the Knitting Circle was proud to have the honour of a visit from the Lady Mayoress. Each girl brought her knitting to do whilst the Lady Mayoress inspected the many articles that had been specially displayed for the occasion. As a further incentive to us to carry on the good work during the summer, the Lady Mayoress spoke to us and gave us great encouragement. We were very glad that she considered the standard of our knitting to be very high, and we are determined to continue knitting zealously.


It had seemed this year that we should not be able to have a Speech Day, but in spite of this, on Friday the 31st of May, we had a Parents’ “At Home” which was made the occasion of the prize distribution. Mrs. Roscoe presented the prizes, and a programme of Music and Verse-speaking was given. Parents and girls alike had an enjoyable afternoon, and I think this can be counted as one of the most successful events of the year.


On Monday, June 3rd, we were privileged to hear a lecture by a Polish lady, Miss Firlus, who gave us a very interesting talk about the social conditions of her native land. We were particularly struck by the many brilliant colours of the peasant costumes which she showed us by means of the epidiascope, and quite understood why Poland was called “The land of the Rainbow.”


We at Lawnswood are certainly digging for victory, but it is not yet known whether we or the rabbits are to benefit by our efforts. However, one thing is certain—somebody or something will get a few good meals as a result of our digging. Cabbages, beetroot, lettuce and radishes are the favourites, though the flowers have not been altogether neglected. Two girls who are to leave school in July hopefully sowed carrot seeds only to be told soon after that carrots take two years to grow. They have decided to bequeath them to future generations of amateur gardeners, although they still wonder if they were having their “legs pulled.” Carry on Lawnswood, even though your back does ache!


It was a great blow to us when we had to forfeit our holiday and return to school on Whit-Monday. We managed, however, to have an enjoyable time picking dandelions (to save the seeds from spoiling the crops) and playing games, and knitting.


This has been an eventful year, and we feel sure that the record of our school life in war-time will prove interesting reading, particularly when peace once more returns. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking Miss Williams for her help and advice with the illustrations.


Finally, we thank all schools who have, during the year, sent us copies of their Magazines.

BETTY GILL (Editor).


SCHOOL DIARY, 1939-40.


June 21. Sports Day.
June 27. Lecture on Poland, illustrated, by M. Boniakowski.
July 14. South Accommodation Road Party.
July 15. Tennis Finals for The James Graham Cup.
July 18. “The Work of the British and Foreign Bible Society,” by the Rev. H. K. Marsden.
July 19, Swimming Sports.
Aug. 25. Return to School for Evacuation.
Sept. 1. Evacuation to Ripon.
Sept. 3. England at War with Germany.
Sept. 6-8. Excursions in the City of Ripon and the surrounding district.
Sept. 7. Excursion to Fountains Abbey.
Sept. 13. Afternoon School began at Ripon High School.
Oct. 21. Form IV. Party given by Ripon High School.
Hockey Match—Harrogate Grammar School v. Lawnswood.
Oct. 28. Form V. Party given by Ripon High School.
Nov. 11. Upper V and VI Form Party given by Ripon High School.
Hockey Match—Ripon High School v. Lawnswood.
Nov. 18. Form III Party given by Ripon High School.
Netball Match—Leeds College of Commerce v. Lawnswood.
Dec. 9. “The Yeomen of the Guard.” Dress Rehearsal for Ripon High School.
Dec. 13. Netball Match—Ripon High School v. Lawnswood.
Dec. 15. “The Yeomen of the Guard.” Evening performance.
Dec. 16. “The Yeomen of the Guard.” Matinee.
Dec. 18. Lawnswood Pantomime.
Dec. 19. Ripon High School Concert.
Dec. 20. Term ends. Farewell to Ripon.


Jan. 2, Back at Lawnswood.
Feb. 29. First Meeting of the Debating and Dramatic Society.
Feb. 7. First Meeting of The Science Society.
Feb. 14. “The Empire Youth Movement”—Lecture by Major Ney.
Apl. 25. Second Meeting of The Science Society.
Apl. 29. “Dr. Barnardo’s Homes”—Lecture by Miss Clarkson.
May 2. Second Meeting of The Debating and Dramatic Society.
May 3. Third Meeting of The Science Society.—A Visit to Montague Burton’s.
May 4. A visit to Allerton High School to see “The Tempest.”
May 10. Whit Holiday began.
May 13. Recalled to School. A State of Emergency.
May 24. Empire Day. Empire Tobacco Collection.
May 30. Visit of Lady Mayoress to see work of Knitting Circle.
May 31. “At Home” and Prize-giving.
June 3. Lecture by Miss Firlus, of Poland, on “Polish Customs.”
June 17. Rev. H. K. Marsden’s Annual Talk on the British and Foreign Bible Society.
June 19. Sports Day.
July 22. Swimming Sports.